Hello, finally it's the closure to my Dental Visit Trilogy.
Today I had my wisdom tooth extraction operation. The procedure is as fast as lightning. First, I entered the surgery room and the nurse asked me to lie on the (surgery kinda) bed. Next the doctor came in and told me what to expect from the surgery and if I know that there's a certain percentage risk of getting my nerve damage from the procedure and do I still agree to proceed on. Of course I said YES, the wisdom tooth is killing me.
After that she placed a cotton bud of cream in mouth (the wisdom tooth area) and asked me waited for 5 mins and she told the nurses to prepare the surgical tooth for the op and disappeared. Voila, she came back after 5 mins and tell me, " Miss Lee, now I'm going to inject anesthetic to your gum (the right side where my wisdom tooth is) and it will hurt a bit, please bear with it." BEAR WITH IT!!! It hurts like hell to me.
Awhile later, she start covering me with the kinda of green colour surgical blanket with only my mouth exposed. With the doctor, scrape scrape and dig dig, my both upper and lower wisdom tooth is out and she says, " Miss Lee, it's done, please remember to take the painkillers on time and you still have to brush your teeth as usual but be gentle a bit." "And here's your teeth."
After 45 mins of the checking and prescribing of medicine, I'm out of the hospital.
Now, I'm sitting in my house's living room and my mouth hurts like crazy, I can't open my mouth too big and my mum had to cook porridge for my dinner and the coming few days.. Sigh!!! And I've got MC till Monday before I go back to work.
Before I go off, below is a picture of my bloody tooth. Viewer's Discretion (please do not blame the author) :

Posted by
Jane Lee
Wednesday, March 26, 2008