This is the blog of Jane. Some might not like this or find this boring... SO BE IT!!! I am free to do what I like. For those who kinda enjoy it. Thank You

FHA 2008 Expo Show

OK guys.. I was really busy with my company's FHA Expo Show which makes me so tired to blog when I've reached home. The time that I reached home is 7 ~ 8pm, I got to bath and have my dinner, watched TV for awhile and went to sleep. I need to wake up at 6 and reach the office at 8am. That repeats for a few days. Finally the show is over and I can relax and sleep more.

The whole show was fun and I've learnt alot for my friends in NZ about the different cuts of beef, lamb and even fishes. They had flown fresh fishes, seafood, fresh NZ abalone, beef and lamb just for the show. No trading and selling is allowed at the show, so the items are really just "for show". After the show, some of them are given to the potential clients and the rest the staff takes home!! Everything tastes so fresh and nice, really like those stuff.

Below is some interesting pictures of me holding the big lobster (roughly weighs abt 3~3.5kg). Do I look nice and cool in it?? HAhA!!
