This is the blog of Jane. Some might not like this or find this boring... SO BE IT!!! I am free to do what I like. For those who kinda enjoy it. Thank You

Cold in New Zealand

It's getting colder day by day and my skin is getting drier. But the weather is nice compare to homeland. It's air con temperature everywhere. I miss home but I will also miss the weather over here too.

I am flying to Queenstown tomorrow and spend a night there for meeting and sight-seeing. My colleagues over at Queenstown (hotel) says that it's already snowing over there. I will probably be freezed to death. I am excited about it though. I love our hotel at Queenstown!!! It's a 6 star boutique hotel. It's posh and nice. But I can relax too much as work is my top priority for the visit.

I'll be back in homeland soon and I will post more of the photos I've taken and I've got more things to tell. Take care!!


ps: My birthday is just 2 weeks aways. :)