The show did somewhat portray a bit of "ourselves" in it. While watching the show, I bet a lot of us will be thinking, "Was it that obvious that he knows I am trying so hard to hit on him?" or "I am never going to call her even though I told her I will, oh girls, always so naive!" How true is that, I don't know. Only we know of it ourselves.
The show did have a pointer or two which will make us ponder on it and makes us think harder to see that if it's all worth it for love. One of the actress tries so hard in finding her true love even though she has met so many rejects and hurtful incidents but she did not stop finding and finally she did found someone she truly belongs to. And the other couple, married but not exactly happy as they somewhat are forced into the situation of getting married and in the end, the marriage did not work out even though the wife did try after knowing the husband had an affair. The next couple that I admire, guy who thinks that with or without getting married to his girlfriend is not important as long as they are truly happy together and both are committed even though they've been together for 7 years. A marriage / ring does not symbolize anything. In the end, the guy changed his views and decided to marry his girlfriend because he just loves her too much. How sweet is that? Willing to change for the one you love just because you truly, sincerely wants your partner to be happy.
So please don't give up trying to find your true love as I believe, everyone has your perfect someone waiting for you and for the right time to appear and sweep you off your feet. I do believe....